Marilah kepada-Ku,
semua yang letih lesu dan berbeban berat, Aku akan memberi kelegaan kepadamu.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

50 Ways to a Better You

50 Ways to a Better You

1. Take naps. Researchers at Harvard found an hour nap was a beneficial as a full night's sleep.

2. Don't take think personally. It's not raining on your alone. And maybe the waiter's dog just died.

3. Breathe. Holding your breath increases muscle tension.

4. When it your turn to listen, don't think. Thinking interferes with hearing.

5. Eat only when you are hungry. If you're not hungry, but you're eating anyway, it's not food you're needing.

6. Smile. Esspecially when you don't feel like it.

7. Smell the flowers. Research show the fragrance of lavender and lemon, for instance, can less depresion.

8. Balance your checkbook. It's actually less stressful to know where you stand.

9. Say no when you mean no. Say yes when you mean yes.

10. Don't watch the 11p.m. TV news. It won't make for a restful sleep.

11. Schedule fun. Put it on your calender, or you might forget.

12. If you don't understand, ask. There are no dumb questions.

13. Stretch after exerchising every time. If you do, you'll stretch your active years.

14. Don't fly on holidays.

15. Do what you say you're going to do. Even when you only say it to yourself.

16. Do puzzles; play games. Studies show it prevents senility.

17. Put the TV where you won't remember to turn it on.

18. Sit in the sun without sunscreen for 15 minutes a day. Vitamin D keeps bones strong. Sunlight lifts your spirits.

19. Assume the best. Studies show optimists live longer, healthier lives.

20. If you're a shower person, take a bath. It's relaxing.

21. If you're a bath person, take a shower. It's stimulating.

22. Eat only what you love. Not what you like, or what you tolerate, what you love.

23. Ask for a hug. Hugs are proven to lower blood pressure.

24. Strive for imperfection. Try to be a perfect causes stress. Stress lowers immunity.

25. Drink water. It's healthier than any other liquid.

26. Don't smoke.

27. Sit in a hard chairs. They make you want to get up and walk around which is good for you.

28. Realize not everyone will like you. Trying to make them is too stressful. Stress raises blood pressure.

30. Finish eating before you are full. Aim for feeling statisfied.

31. When you are worries keep you awake, write them all down. It will ease you mind so you can sleep. Throw the list away in the morning.

32. Never talk yourself out of how you feel. Feeling is healing.

33. Makes yourself uncomfortable. Breakthroughs don't come from the status quo.

34. Ask yourself over and over, "What do I want.??" How can you get it, if you don't know what it is.?

35. Turn the volume down. Musicians will be happy to tell how they lost their hearing.

36. Call your mother.

37. Clean out your closets, basements, and atticts. Then give your stuff to people who need it.

38. Give advice only when asked. That's when it's most meaningful.

39. When you can't say anything nice, nod, and smile. When people nod and smile at you, drop the subject.

40. Admit when you are wrong. Apologize and make it right.

41. Keep your perspective. Only the end of the world is the end of the world.

42. Now is better than later. Procastination causes stress. Stress constricts blood vessels.

43. Embrace change. It's constant. Resisting causes stress. Stress, strokes, and heart attact are related.

44. Let your gut be your guide. If it feels wrong, it is wrong.

45. Blame is a way of avoiding responsibility. Just fix the problem.

46. If you can carry on a conversation while exercising, you're not getting aerobic benefit.

47. Master your mind. Study after study shows positive thinker have fewer health problems.

48. Lies are short sighted. Honesty wins is the long run.

49. Have compassion. And include yourself.

50. Spend sometimes each day with your Source. Studies show those with a regular spiritual practice, no matter what type, live healthier longer.


.JBU abundantly.



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